Sale Art

How to Sell Art Online

for sale artSelling art online is an excellent way for you to make more money, especially during this economic downturn. People are tightening their belts and slashing their budgets. There are so many sites at your fingertips that will happily facilitate sales.

CraigsList. Never underestimate the power of Craigslist. Hold true to the "cash only" mantra when selling your pieces via this method.

Etsy is the online marketplace for hand crafted items. With Etsy, you are able to upload information about your objects and pictures. Etsy is a fantastic tool, as it allows you to advertise many of your pieces of art on the same page. Your Own Website.

Your own website and domain name will only help increase your visibility on the web as time goes on. If you do not have the technical mastery of online sales, then consider using a third party solution, like

Make More Art Sales

You need art buying traffic. It can be difficult to harness art buyers from the internet since art buyers come from all walks of life and professions. Where then does the art buying traffic come from?

Your exposure and your money are in your list. This alone can increase sales and encourage return art buying traffic. It doesn't matter if your list is large or small you can increase your exposure by adding these professionals to your list:

Local and surrounding Interior Designers . Local and surrounding Members of the Chamber of Commerce. Local Government Officials.

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