Art Selling

4 Steps to Selling Artwork

art sellingSelling arwork is easy when you follow a road map. In this article you learn the step by step guide to marketing art for profits.

1. Decide that you want to sell your artwork!
Many artists love just creating art, they have no desire to sell what they make. Selling their work becomes unfortunately a necessary evil. If you want to be a full time artist you either have to have money saved up, work another full time job or learn how to sell some of your work.

2. Decide what you want to sell.
Many artists don't have a clue what to sell. A little research ahead of time goes along way. In other words find the buyers for your style of artwork where they live, work or shop.

3. Decide how much you are going to sell your work for.
There are several strategies to speed up this process to determine what price point will work best for your style of work. Now before you say, "I have no interest in selling for that price point..." Found money which exposes people to my more expensive pieces which I sell for thousands of dollars.

4. Set up an efficient shop and process to produce your work.
Artists tend to get rapped up in their work and lose track of time, space, equipment, materials and everything in between. Setting up your shop for production helps keep you working productively. Once I tightened this area up I was spending more time creating art and less time cleaning up and organizing all the supplies and materials that I just finished using.

Working on your art. Planning your marketing activities.This step directly follows step above. Create art & Sell it!

The reason artists don't like selling their work is because of fear, fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of the "I told you so" from family members.

The Best Way to Sell Art - Selling Your Art Online

This offers a splendid opportunity to even artists to sell art using this powerful online medium and earn profits. Lot of artists prefer advertising artwork using independent websites through which they can sell it to prospective customers. If you are keen on promoting your artwork on the Internet, then the best way is to advertise them using online art galleries.

This helps in maximizing your reach to people who are genuine art lovers and you can also get high quality traffic for such websites. It is much easy to display your work using online art galleries and sell art to people that requires less maintenance and efforts from your side. I successfully have been selling my arts and crafts for a number of years.

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