Antique Clocks

Antique Clocks and Watches

antique clock imageAntique clocks and watches were made using different materials, designs, styles, and sizes long, long ago. The ability to accurately identify and research on this antique clocks and watches are important then because of the diversity, as well as the number, of clock and watchmakers and manufacturers around the world.

Back in Time. An example is the use of the world’s natural clock which is the sun and the mechanical ones such as clocks and watches. If we are going to trace the history of clocks and watches, we would be back to the late 14th century when the first clock was made. Those antique clocks and watches that were made during the 1800’s through the early 1900’s are more in number since the periods mentioned were the time when clocks and watches were produced in mass quantities.

Many antique clock and watch collectors would agree that periods in history greatly influenced the materials and styles of clocks and watches, such that these timekeepers were not only used for time measurement, but as decoration as well.

How to Find the Perfect Antique Clock
Of all the antiques one could collect, perhaps the most rewarding would be antique clocks. Beautiful, well-crafted and practical, antique clocks reflect both the aesthetic and hand-crafted durability of another age. Some useful tips when looking at a clock in order to place the date of manufacturing are: if it possesses minute hands.

This feature was introduced to clocks 1661. It was required after 1896 to mark the country of origin on all clocks, so keep this in mind, it's invaluable information for placing and dating a clock. even if the clock lacks a maker's mark in an obvious way, it likely has a signature somewhere hidden on the face of the clock.

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