Javanese Ancient Weapon

The masters of the making of these weapons are called MPU. The Mpu were very honoured in the ancient times and people believe them to have supernatural power and can make a weapon to have magical effects.

Three basic elements to make the weapons are: iron, steel, and Pamor. There are about 60 types of iron used by the Mpu to make weapons. The weapons are made of layers upon layers of different kinds of metal (iron and steel). Some excellent weapons have 27 or more layers of various metal. The combination of the metal was designed to have specific effect of each weapon.

PAMOR is the metal used by the Mpu as the outermost layer of the weapons as the finishing touch and designed it in different styles, and give mystical power to the weapon.

There are three type of material to make Pamor:
• Meteorite
• Nickel
• Penawang, white stainless metal used to substitute the meteorite or nickel.

The physical style of the weapon is called DAPUR, which depends on the thickness, number of curves, shape of the edge, accessories, etc. There are 439 style of Dapur and only the Keris and the Tumbak have this.

There are two type of weapon: AGEMAN and PUSAKA TAYUHAN. Ageman is the ordinary weapon which is used only for decoration or common ceremonies. This type does not have "isi" or mystical power. The process to make it is relatively simple and quick. Ageman weapons usually has Penawang to substitute the Pamor.

Pusaka is special weapon which is difficult to make and take weeks, months, even years to complete. This type is believed to have mystical power to be used by the owner.

There are many kingdoms in Java, the most powerful is the Majapahit kingdom who dominated South East Asia. These ancient kingdoms and vassal states produced edged weapons with their own unique style. From the style and the metal type of each weapon we can identify the kingdom which made it and the period of production. While weapons from Majapahit are valued for its age, those from Mataram kingdom are also valuable because of the quality of the process and the art design.
The ancient weapons of PUSAKA type are divided into these periods and kingdoms:

Pusaka KUNO (BUDHO) (1st - 12th century)
• Jawa Kanda (1st - 3rd century)
• Medang Siwandata kingdom (3rd century)
• Medang Kamulan kingdom (3rd century)
• Gilingwesi kingdom (3rd century)
• Purwacarita kingdom (5th century)
• Wiratha kingdom (6th century)
• Mamenang kingdom (9th century)
• Hastina kingdom (10th century)
• Kahuripan kingdom (11th century)
• Early Jenggala kingdom (11th - 12th century)
• Pengging Wiraradya (12th century)

Pusaka MADYA KUNA (12th - 13th century)
• Jenggala kingdom (12th - 13th century)
• Kediri kingdom (12th - 13th century)
• Pajajaran Makukuhan kingdom (12th century)
• Pajajaran Sigaluh kingdom (12th century)
• Sunda Nykrawati kingdom (12th century)
• Cirebon (12th century)

Pusaka SEPUH TENGAHAN (13th - 15th century)
• Jenggala kingdom (13th century)
• Kediri kingdom (13th century)
• Pajajaran kingdom (13th - 16th century)
• Majapahit kingdom (13th - 16th century)
• Blambangan kingdom (vassal state of Majapahit)
• Sedayu kingdom (vassal state of Majapahit)
• Tuban kingdom (vassal state of Majapahit)
• Madura kingdom (vassal state of Majapahit)
• Sendang kingdom (vassal state of Majapahit)

Pusaka TENGAHAN (15th - 17th century)
• Demak kingdom (15th - 16th century)
• Pajang kingdom (16th century)
• Madiun kingdom
• Mataram Awal (early 16th century)
• Mataram Senopaten (late 16th century)
• Mataram Sultan Agungan (17th century)

Pusaka NOM (17th century - Present)
• Mataram Surakarta kingdom (17th century - Present)
• Mataram Kartasura kingdom (17th century - Present)

Check my other summary Antique on Ancient Edged Weapon of Java Island


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