Furniture Auctions

Antiques Furniture - Finding and Selecting Antique Furniture

furniture auctions imageAntique furniture fascinates and intrigues its lovers. Each antique has its own personal history and it brings the time period when it was made into today's frenetic world. A carefully selected antique furniture accent in your living room or den can transform the ordinary into extraordinary. Antiques furniture can convert a routine living room into a stylish decor. Selecting genuine antiques can be both an art and a science.

Whether you are seeking antique furniture for a financial investment or for decorative functions or personal family reasons will have some influence on how involved you get in the finding and selecting of these antique treasures. Ah. One fellow taught me how to tell if the antique had been repaired or if the chair had been recovered. Enjoy the quest for the past as you seek and select a piece of antique furniture that suits your home and interests.

Hot Tips For Buying Furniture From Auctions
Buying furniture from auction houses can both be fun as well as some intelligent shopping. The most important step on your part before going ahead with making bids is to inspect the furniture items on sale. For instance, if Amish furniture item is on sale, you must know the typical characteristics of Amish made furniture. Amish furniture is generally heavier than it appears.

If you come across an expert on that particular furniture item in the auction house, nothing like it! If there are lots of items on sale, insist on a catalogue if it’s available. Jot down the winning bid price for each item for future review. Payment options, reserve price, buyer’s premium, sales tax etc. are some of the important considerations before bidding.

Check my other Antique summary on Television Manual Book (1953)


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