Antique Boxes

Your Guide to Antique Box Collections

antique jewelry boxes imageHave you ever seen or touched an antique small box? An antique box can be irresistible for many people who are into antique collections. Collecting antique boxes made in the 18th and 19th centuries will make you feel the history of the box. You will see most antique boxes that are designed with inlay or lacquers.

Details on how these antique boxes were made can be seen on the designed elements that were used. If you are into collecting antique boxes, you will be fascinated with the different types and designs that display the antiqueness and royalty of the box. Boxes are said to be art objects in the 16th century. Since then, boxes were made with decorative designs and styles.

For antique box collectors, taking good care of these valuable items is important.
  • Wooden boxes should only be waxed with quality beeswax.
  • Place your items on an average temperature area. Temperature and humidity changes can damage the wooden surfaces of the box.
Owning valuable collection of antique boxes and other collectible items is a privilege. It is important to take proper care on your antique boxes.

All About Antique Boxes And Collectables - A Personal Review
People collect all kinds of antiques, but undoubtedly among the most fascinating are antique boxes. In my opinion, antique boxes spell treasure. In a number of these stories, one would read about these antique boxes that were filled with the promise of treasure even though there was no true treasure.

What’s more he had gone a step further to pack these antique boxes with books to reinforce the treasure that lay in books and reading, however I was simply consumed by the sight, smell and look of those antique boxes. Today, I too am a proud owner of a couple of antique boxes.

Check my other Antique summary on Beloved Belindy Antique Book


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